We definitely believe that Skin Cancer Awareness Month shouldn’t be only this month, but every month. Nevertheless, there are some important things to know about skin cancer. The American Academy of Dermatologists has designated May Skin Cancer Awareness Month.

Always Protect Your Skin from the Sun
If you’re ever confused about whether to use sunscreen, don’t be! Even if it’s cloudy, ultraviolet rays can damage your skin. Here’s a comprehensive list of types of sunscreen, strength, and other things to do to protect your skin. But how, you might ask? Keep sunscreen everywhere: in your car, in your bag, at home, etc. The hours between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. are especially dangerous.

Apply Lotion with Sunscreen
For men, after shaving is a good time to apply lotion with sunscreen to prevent melanoma. Although melanoma makes up only 1% of skin cancers, it makes for the majority of skin cancer deaths. Men, in general, have a harder time using sunscreen. But lotion makes your skin softer and more touchable.
Prevent Melanoma
The AAD has designated a hashtag, #MelanomaMonday, to kick off Skin Cancer Awareness Month. And they’ve created a fun video, too! Take a minute and check it out! We’re talking to you, guys!
Window Film and Skin Cancer
Window film prevents most of the UVA radiation that can penetrate glass. Here’s what the Skin Cancer Foundation has to say: “However, at least 50 percent of UVA rays can pass through windows. Window film is an increasingly effective solution, offering substantial indoor protection by blocking up to 99.9 percent of UVA radiation.”
Commercial and Residential Window Film
Call us if you need window film for your home or office! We work all over the San Francisco Bay Area, including Silicon Valley, San Jose, and the Peninsula.
Here are some recent articles to show you our best films:
- 3M Fasara Window Film: Dotty for Dots
- 3M Fasara Window Film: Patterns
- 3M Fasara Window Film: Stripes Forever

Join Us in Preventing Skin Cancer
No matter what your reason for preventing skin cancer, it’s important that you do. For instance, looking good is a great reason! But how about being around for your family, saving money on doctor’s bills, and keeping all those sunscreen manufacturers in business. Just kidding about that last one! But come on! Staying alive?

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