If you’re considering window film, maybe if you knew how window film could help you go green, you’d have it installed. We’re almost entering the hot summer months and people are thinking about air conditioning. Did you know that window film can contribute to energy efficiency by reducing the need for air conditioning–lowering carbon emissions and promoting a more sustainable lifestyle? If not, read on!
Solar heat rejection
Window films are designed to reject solar heat, with some films (ahem! 3M) able to reduce up to 78% of the sun’s heat. Which means you won’t feel overheated as you sit next to the window trying to work or eating your lunch. Which also means since you’ll feel more comfortable you’ll be less likely to turn on that air conditioning! Exciting, isn’t it? We think so.
Heat gain reduction
Window film reduces the heat gain inside buildings, which also lets you be more comfortable. By the way, we’ve talked about solar heat gain before and you might like: Solar Heat Gain: Why Should it Matter to You? And wouldn’t you like to use all of your house (not just the coolest spots away from the windows)?
Improved insulation
While you might think of insulation as that pink stuff in your attic, window film is also a type of insulation. With window film, a single pane of glass acts like a double pane and–guess what?–the double pane acts like a triple pane! It’s like getting an extra scoop of ice cream! Sort of. In any case, window film works by preventing unwanted (hot) air from entering the house. And that’s a good thing!

Balance indoor temperatures
With climate change, temperatures can swing wildly from cold to hot like nobody’s business. Nobody likes that! You can’t plan what to wear and you always have to prepare for everything. But with window film, your temperatures are more even and everybody’s happy.
Energy efficiency
Since your temperatures are more even, you use less energy. You know where we’re going with this, right? So more energy efficiency means less air conditioning! And that’s sure to help lower your energy costs. Also, the coolants in air conditioning contribute to global warming, so you’re also helping the planet as well as yourself. Speaking of the planet, we’ve talked about climate change before, too: How Does Window Film Help Battle Climate Change? Five Ways.
Less strain on your HVAC unit
Less strain on your HVAC unit means less maintenance for you. You won’t have to call the HVAC repair person as often if the air conditioner isn’t working as hard. We apologize if we’re putting any HVAC repair people out of work with window film, by the way.
It’s so much easier to have an eco-conscious lifestyle with window film.
Where to start?
Do you have questions about window film and how to be more green! Call us and we’ll brainstorm with you! Our Eco-Friendly CEO wants to answer all your questions. We install film all over the greater San Francisco Bay Area, from San Jose to the East Bay to the Peninsula and Marin–and beyond. Give us a call at 415.623.8700.
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