Maybe you’ve been reading and rereading our blog posts whenever you get the chance. Or maybe not. In any case, if you’d like to reduce your power bill, you know what to do! Keep reading, that is. We’ve written about reducing your energy bill before. You might like: How Window Film Helps Save Energy Five Ways.
Get an energy audit
Want to know where your energy is going? Maybe your power company offers a free audit! Our local power company, PG&E, offers a free home energy checkup that you can do yourself. And it only takes five minutes! There may be some easy changes you can make to reduce your energy bill. You could also get an energy assessment from the Department of Energy.
Check your windows and seal the cracks
If you live in an older home, there are likely to be drafts coming from around the windows. Even newer homes can suffer from cracks and drafts. Inspect your windows (or hire someone to do it for you), and seal those cracks. There are probably hundreds of YouTube videos showing you how to do this, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. It’s an inexpensive way to save on your energy bill.
Be the first
Do you value being a leader? Energy costs are going up and up, while many people’s incomes are spiraling downwards. We don’t mean you! But you still want to be a leader and save costs on your power bills, right? So why not be the first on your block or in your neighborhood to have window film installed. (You knew window film would eventually come up, didn’t you?)
Double the efficiency
When you install window film on your single-pane glass, that pane becomes like a double-pane window. And if you install it on your double-pane window, guess what? It becomes like a triple-pane window, thus insulating you from the cold and the heat and also helping to lower your energy bills. You also might have to change the clothes you wear since window film makes the temperatures inside your home or office more even.
Immediate savings
You could get solar panels to help lower your energy costs (and we encourage going solar), however with window film you’ll get immediate savings! No sense waiting for years or decades to break even on your solar installation. Come to think of it, you could do both!
Ready to reduce your power bill?
You can fill out our Quick Residential Estimate form if you need us to install some window film. Give us a call and we can steer you into the right choice, and keep you and your friends cooler in the summer. We’d love to help you choose the best film. We work all over the greater San Francisco Bay Area, from San Jose to the East Bay to the San Mateo Peninsula and Marin–and have expanded into southern California, too! Give us a call at 415.623.8700.
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