Did you know that many, many birds die each year from crashing into windows? According to Portland Audobon, up to one billion birds die each year from window strikes! Not only that, but “54-76 percent of window collisions are fatal.” What’s a bird lover to do? If you’d like to know, read on.
It’s that time of year
At this time of year, millions of birds are migrating. According to the National Audubon Society, birds migrate mostly during spring and fall. The National Audobon Society has a first-of-its-kind digital migration platform where you can see the path that migrating birds take. So even if you don’t get that window film up this fall, you could try installing it by spring.
How and why do birds fly into glass?
According to Collide Escape “Collisions are most commonly caused by the reflective characteristics of glass. Because the outside of glass reflects the environment around it, birds do not recognize it as a barrier.” Even people have been known to walk into glass, so it’s not so strange that birds would see glass and assume there’s a clear flight path. Unfortunately, many birds are injured or die when they fly into glass.

Why do birds suddenly appear?
If you’re a fan of the Carpenters, you already know the answer to this question! But on a more serious note, birds do seem to come careening out of nowhere at all times of the day, just to smash into your windows. Sometimes they’re looking for bugs, or they’re in a hurry to get to their nests. Other times, they seem to just be stretching their wings for the sheer joy of it.
Why should you care?
The loss of birds through window strikes is a huge loss to our biodiversity. The “canary in the coal mine” concept is one that relates to humans, too. Losing birds means losing some of ourselves, too. Not only that, but our own personal health is at risk. The North American Bird population is down some 2.9 billion birds, according to a study discussed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology (quoting an article in Science).
What can you do?
Window technology can help reduce the numbers of bird strikes. According to Mongo Bay, window tech could save billions of birds, and it’s already here. For instance, bird safety window films “engineered specifically to allow birds to see reflective windows that otherwise appear invisible, preventing injury or death for the birds, as well as preventing potential damage to your property” according to Solyx, maker of Bird Safety WIndow Films. Scottish Window Film has an excellent article that outlines all you can do: Bird Strike Prevention. Check it out!
Want to know more?
We’d love to protect the birds in your neighborhood with window film! Give us a call at 415.623.8700 when you’re ready to save the birds! We’d love to talk to you and answer all your questions! We work all over the greater San Francisco Bay Area, from San Jose to the East Bay to the Peninsula and Marin.
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