We’ve been inside our Covid-19 bubble for awhile now, and it’s about all anyone wants to talk about. Nearly every news article mentions it. It brings up a lot of questions. Questions like how much of this can we take? And when will it be over? While we don’t have the answers to those questions, we can say that eventually things will get better. We will get through this.

Gratitude for Those Around Us
We so appreciate our clients, friends, and neighbors. And our coworkers really are our family! Maybe you feel the same way. And we miss the closeness we had with everyone. So much so that we know that once we get to see everyone, there will be lots of hugging and laughing. Being isolated is more than inconvenient. As humans, we need to see our friends and families. We appreciate them more than ever right now. In San Francisco, our mayor declared a state of emergency in early March. So we’ve been under quarantine for quite some time now. And it looks like the isolation is working to flatten the curve. By the way, you might like this article on creating a sanctuary.
Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
Of course, we don’t really have a choice right now. But still–waiting this out, being safe, maintaining social distance–all these things guarantee that most of us will have good things later when this is all over. Persistence and patience are both qualities that will help us get through this difficult time. All the things we took for granted before, such as being able to jump on a plane and fly some where else easily, have to be reexamined. And our supply chain will look different, too, probably. Even the food we put on our table may need to be reassessed–since we’re so dependent on other parts of the world.
Staying Positive
It’s easy enough to be positive for a few minutes at a time, but staying positive for days and weeks can wear on anyone. It requires some self-discipline to see the silver lining, but those that do will come out ahead in the end. And having good humor is a positive, too.
Being Empathetic
People are hurting right now. Sometimes that pain is physical if they’re sick. And a lot of the pain is psychological when they can’t see their friends or they feel lonely or isolated. So for us, having empathy for everyone is part of our business model.
New Processes and Ways to Do Business
Eventually, we’ll have changes in how we do business. One thing I’m hearing right now is that people are really listening at a very deep level to their customers. What is hurting them right now, other than not being able to go out and get to their clients? Being a helpful resource is something intrinsic in our nature that we might have forgotten.
[…] As we ease back into our new normal, many people have been asking about window film and energy efficiency. They want to know if having window film will help their building be more efficient, and how it will affect their energy bills. According to 3M “An estimated 33% of cooling expenses are due to solar heat gain from windows.” There’s also this: “The Department of Energy considers window film a top-tier technology for energy conservation with one of the fastest paybacks — approximately three years.” By the way, here’s our last article about the New Normal: How the New Normal Will Eventually Make Life Better. […]