We know what you’re thinking: what do you mean fed up employees? How are they so fed up? If you’ve ever seen people wearing sunglasses indoors, then you know how hot an office can get in the summer. And with many employees working longer hours, offices can get awfully hot and stuffy!

Here are some pictures from a recent job in the San Francisco South Bay. We can’t reveal the name of this fruit company, but we will say that their fruit is highly regarded.

With that said, here are some hints to keep employees (and you!) happy in the summer time heat.
Ice, Ice, Ice
Keep plenty of cold beverages on hand, and an ice machine or three around so everyone can have a cold beverage.
Go Old School
If you don’t have an air conditioner–and we hope that you do–you can use strategically placed fans. This surprisingly simple solution can really help to keep you cool. For more tips, here’s a good Wiki: 3 Ways to Cool Yourself Without Air Conditioning.
Microclimates in the Bay Area
If you’ve lived here in the San Francisco Bay Area for awhile, you know how much temperatures can vary from one neighborhood to the next. Downtown and South of Market could be 15 degrees hotter than out by the beach.
The East Bay, Marin, and Peninsula
If you go the East Bay or to Marin County, the temperatures can be much hotter than downtown. San Francisco is generally cooler in the summer.
San Francisco MicroClimates
While tooling around the interwebs, we found this neat app for discovering microclimate temperatures within San Francisco: Mr. Chilly.
Back to Keeping Employees Cool
In buildings, there are also microclimates. One side of the building can be quite cool, while the people on the other side of the building can be complaining about the heat. And in case you think you don’t need window film in San Francisco, you might want to read our recent post: Why the Hell Do I Need Window Film in San Francisco?

Fans, Hydration, and Window Film
Our last suggestion to you is window film. Window film helps even out the temperatures and keep everyone happy. Window film also protects your employees’ health. In fact, window film is one of the ten best ways to protect against skin cancer.

Got Microclimates?
We’d love to talk to you about your building’s microclimates! Give us a call!
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