We’ve been in the wild world of window film for quite a few years now, and we’ve seen some fantastic uses of window film. Here are a few things you might not know about window film.
You Can Use Window Film to Calm Anxiety in Animals
Yes, you can. For instance, if your dog goes crazy every time it sees another dog in the yard, you can use window film to block the view and lessen your dog’s anxiety. You still get the benefit of natural light streaming into your home, but you can make it so your dog can’t see out. No more dog barking nonstop while you’re at work, annoying the neighbors. The dog is calm and the whole house is quieter.
Keep Your Private Stuff Private
The world is getting more and more crowded. And we all value our privacy even more than before. With window film, you can protect your valuables from prying eyes. And you can feel more comfortable if you like to walk around in your skimpy pajamas all day. If you haven’t read it, you might like this article about privacy: Window Film Confidential: How to Create Privacy Where There is None.
Keeps Glass Together
We don’t get a lot of severe storms in the San Francisco Bay Area, but in other parts of the country, there are horrific winds–and worse. Window film can hold the glass together should it ever break due to a storm. And that gives you peace of mind, either at home or in your business. For instance, restaurants can protect their patrons by installing window film. If there’s a storm and a window breaks, the glass holds together and flying glass shards are much less likely to hurt one of the diners. Read more about safety and security window film on 3M’s site.
Use it in Your Interior Design
There are many unusual ways to use window film. Window film isn’t just clear and frosted–it comes in many different and beautiful designs. We recently wrote about using window film in your interior design in this article: What Happens When You Use Window Film in Your Interior Design?
Use it Outside as a Screen
Some of our clients have started to use window film on glass exterior walls or fences, and we thought that was pretty neat. Even a stand-alone glass partition can use window film to provide a barrier. Use it as a decorative garden element, or for privacy.
Give Us a Call!
We’d love to discuss your window film ideas with you–even if you think the idea you have is crazy! We’re all over the San Francisco Bay Area, from the South Bay to San Francisco to Marin to the East Bay. And we’re happy to chat with you and kick around a few ideas!
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