Even More Reasons to Celebrate ~ Christmas 2023
By now, if you’ve been following us at all, you know how much we love to celebrate and here are even more reasons that’s the case. If you don’t believe us, you can look back at our previous blog post! We recently got together to celebrate Christmas with disco, spiffy sneakers, and so much food! We were all shiny and resplendent in our fun–and sometimes funny–togs!

We have questions!
We have so many questions. What was Danilo looking at? What was in that soup? How the heck did you find that restaurant? How does everyone get their shoes so clean? And will that Uber driver be able to find us? Because some of us need designated drivers! Strangely enough, nobody asked a single question about window film. But if you can’t stand not knowing more about window film (sigh), you can check out some fun facts here: climate control window film.

Stylish friends
Some people seem to be born with style. Like these three, above. And these three, below. So take that, Merriam Webster.

Nearly everyone wore their favorite sneakers, along with their fancy suits, hats, and dresses.

So many new and classic friends! (We call our old friends “classics” because it just sounds better!) We love meeting new friends and breaking bread with them.

That sparkly cowboy hat, though. Seems like it got passed around quite a bit during the evening.

Food, glorious food!
Along with prime rib, there was salmon, lots of bread, plus soup and salad. Everyone had passes for the bar, where you could get nearly anything you wanted! The dessert, ice cream and cookies, disappeared before anyone could get a picture!

We’d like to take a minute to thank all our clients, friends, and families for all your support this year. We appreciate all of you!
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