For commercial or residential property, there are a variety of ways to deter thieves. You can install alarms, lighting systems, monitors to record activity nearby, or have a trained guard dog. Here are some ways we have found that work wonders.
Window Film
Window film helps keep you, your family, and your business safe because it holds glass together. Every second counts when a thief is trying to get into your home. Don’t let the “crime of convenience” term be associated with your home–take aggressive steps to make it difficult for thieves to break in! And if you want to know how to keep your family’s skin safe, see our Dangers of Indoor UV Radiation: How to Protect Yourself. More about safety film below.
Own a Dog
Some dogs are better than others at protecting your property. You probably wouldn’t choose a tiny dog, unless it had a huge bark and a huger bite. But a Doberman or a German Shepherd with adequate training would do a great job. Both are on the Top Ten List of Dog Breeds for Protection. And if you own a dog, you might also want to post a Beware of Dog sign. By the way, here’s how Big Foot Beats the Heat. Big Foot is definitely big enough to help deter thieves.
Install Lighting
Motion detector lighting is one simple way to deter thieves. You can adjust the lights for different times of year, how long the lights stay on, and the distance-range setting. You may want to improve your security by pointing lights at all points of entry to your home. Here’s an excellent article on How to Choose and Install Motion Detector Lighting. You want to avoid having places for thieves to hide, such as behind bushes or doorways.
Have a Home Security System
There are a number of smart home security systems now available without the costly monthly fees. Be careful when choosing your home security system. Consumer Reports recently reviewed three of these home security systems, and found that they mostly deliver what they promised. Another deterrent is to post signs letting potential thieves know that you have a security system. If you decide that you do want to buy one of the big-name security systems, Huffington Post has a good article about how to choose one, and emphasizes ways to get discounts!

Get a Home Security Check
Many police departments offer security checks. Ask your local officers in blue to come by and walk around. They’ll give you suggestions to help beef up your security. Some tips are quite simple, such as locking doors, installing peepholes, and keeping exterior areas lit up. The San Jose Police Department has a good, five-minute video on preventing burglary. They emphasize that burglars are looking for easy entry into homes.

Be a Good Neighbor
Being a good neighbor sounds like a cliche, but we’ve all known people who don’t even know their neighbors! If you don’t know yours, today is the day to change that! A batch of cookies and a walk through the neighborhood will quickly end the problem of living next to strangers. Or, if you’re too shy to walk around with cookies, you could take a digital approach and join a Facebook group, or a local NextDoor.com group.
Avoid Mentioning Travel Plans on Social Media
Of course you want to keep your friends updated, but why not share after you’ve returned? Those wonderful photos of you on the beach can surely keep for another day or two. Here is a list of things not to post on Facebook before or while you’re on vacation. For instance, don’t say you’re going to buy some diamonds and will be out of town for a few days.

Window Locks
Since windows are one of the least secure spots in a home, spending a little of your security budget can have a big impact on your home or business’ security. Window locks are an inexpensive option that does not detract from the style of your home. One of the best deterrents is a hefty window lock that is visible from the outside, as outlined in this excellent article, How to Burglar-Proof Windows.
3M Safety Film
If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is this video about 3M safety film worth? Above, two industrious burglars try to break into a clothing store in Dallas, Texas, and eventually give up and drive off. They try hitting it and even throw a garbage can at it.
Safety Film is Invisible But Results Aren’t!
You’ll probably forget that you have safety film once it’s installed. But rest assured that it’s protecting you! It requires no feeding, no additional monthly fees, and very little maintenance other than occasional cleaning!

Give Us a Call!
Ready to install safety film, or have questions about whether it’s right for you? We’re in Santa Clara, near the San Jose Airport. But we travel all over the San Francisco Bay Area!
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