Although fall is coming, we are still seeing hot days and hot nights. The planet is experiencing record temperatures due to global warming. Here in California we are facing severe droughts, water rationing, and wildfires. Everyone needs ideas on how to stay cool, but for this article, we thought we’d ask an expert: Bigfoot.

Button Up Your Man-Cave
When asked about his first rule of staying cool, Bigfoot said to lay low. “There are all these museums devoted to me. The humans think they’re doing the right thing by opening the windows. Keep the windows closed, move at night, and don’t talk to anyone.”

Stay Inside
Stay in your cave when it’s really hot outside. Do not go outside and burn your fur. Your beautiful fur will get bleached by the sun and you will sweat. You can use some leaves to fan yourself. If you don’t have AC, you can go to a public mall, library, or to a movie to cool off. Bigfoot added that he “would need to be prepared to run, since most people do not believe in Bigfoot.”

Wear the Right Clothing
The right clothing doesn’t always means shorts and a tank top. Having clothes that breathe and wick away sweat is good for some situations while having long sleeves and loose pants work for desert conditions.

Hot weather is a good excuse for a cold shower or a dip in a lake to help you cool you down. And an icy cold drink can be very helpful as well.

Keep the Fur Trimmed
You know your fur will grow back, so keep it short during the summer months. Manscaping is a good thing, especially during the dog days of summer.

Wear a Hat
A hat with a wide brim keeps the sun and the heat off your face. Make sure it is festive. And sunglasses are always cool, in both senses of the word.

Window Film
Back to all those Bigfoot Museums for a minute. They could just get window film for their windows. Window film keeps your man cave or museum cool. If you’re near San Jose or in the San Francisco Bay Area, give WindowWorksCA a call!
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