What if someone told you that something you’d thought was purely positive wasn’t? Well, it’s true! The sun’s rays can hurt you. The sun is the enemy that is stealing your greatest asset–your health! And it’s happening little by little every day.

Sun Damage is Cumulative
There’s no backing up the tape or do-overs in the world of sun damage. Every time you go outside unprotected, or are exposed to the sun’s rays (even in the comfort of your own home), your health is jeopardized. The damage that UV rays can do to children’s skin is worst of all! Unlike compounding interest in your bank account, cumulative sun damage is not a positive thing!
For a fun article on staying cool, you might like Bigfoot’s Guide to Beating the Heat.

Is There Anything You Can Do?
Why, yes, there is something you can do. Thanks for asking. Here’s a list of quick and easy things you can do protect yourself and your family from sun damage:
- Avoid the sun from 10:00 – 4:00 p.m. when the sun is at its strongest
- Wear sunscreen when you’re in the sun (you can get sun damage indoors, too!)
- Use enough sunscreen (other tips from Consumer Reports on sunscreen)
- Sport a big hat, with 3″ or larger rims
- Use sunglasses to protect your sensitive eyes
Here are some other things you can do, from a previous article: Afraid of the Sun? You Should Be!
At Home and at Work
Window Works offers window film to protect you and your family from the harmful rays that can travel through glass. Did you ever realize that the sun was so sneaky? Over the past three decades, more people have had skin cancer than all other cancers combined.3
Glass Does Not Protect You from UV Rays
You might think you’re safer if you’re inside your own home, but did you realize that some UV rays can travel through glass? For instance, Window glass blocks most UVB radiation, but only 30 percent of UVA radiation, according to the Melanoma Education Foundation An umbrella won’t always protect you from UV radiation, either, as sand (for instance, at the beach) may amplify those sneaky UV rays.
Window Film is Sunscreen for Your House
What if you never had to worry about damaging UV rays inside your home or office ever again? Well, you can stop worrying if you get window film. It keeps the harmful UV rays out.

We’d Love to Work with You!
We’d love to kick some ideas around with you if you’re thinking of window film.
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