By now, everyone has heard about climate change, and probably experienced it personally. Summers are hotter, glaciers are melting, and we’re all feeling more than a little uncomfortable with what’s happening climate-wise, aren’t we? So if you work inside a building, live inside another building, and visit friends in buildings, is there anything you can do? Yes there is! And we’re so glad you asked.
Sunglasses for your home
Having window film on your windows is like having sunglasses on your home! By that we mean that it filters out the UV rays that can damage your skin, your eyes, and your personal belongings. UV rays can cause skin cancer, too, which is why it’s so highly recommended by the Skin Cancer Foundation. Just like when you put window film on your vehicle, window film on your home can give you a more zen experience! For those of you with sensory overload, you know what we mean. With the sun getting stronger and more intense with every passing summer, you can get the climate benefits of window film now and into the future.
Keeps temperatures more even
When your A/C and thermostats stay on an even keel, you use less energy. So you’ll stay cooler and more protected during those intense summer days that are getting hotter each year! You don’t have to just read about it–you can actually do something about it. And that holds true whether you’re a homeowner or a facilities manager. We’ve written about energy savings before and you might like: Energy Savings for Springtime. Although the temperature might not be too hot right now, we get very busy during the summer months, so it’s best to book ASAP.
Saves energy which protects the planet
Protecting the planet is a big deal for us, and probably for you, too! After all, as they say, there is no Planet B! This is all we’ve got. When you use less energy, the planet breathes a sigh of relief–metaphorically, that is. Speaking of protecting the planet, did you know that window film can also protect birds from hitting your windows? We’ve written about that before here: Can Technology Save Billions of Birds with Window Film? You probably already know the answer to that question if you’ve been reading our blog posts, right? If you can keep cool and also protect the birds, that’s at least a double win!
Ready to stay cool, protected, and garner some climate benefits?
You can fill out our Quick Residential Estimate form if you need us to install some window film. Give us a call and we can steer you into the right choice, and keep you and your local feathered friends safe from climate change. We’d love to help you choose the best film. We work all over the greater San Francisco Bay Area, from San Jose to the East Bay to the San Mateo Peninsula and Marin–and have expanded into southern California, too! Give us a call at 415.623.8700.
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