Remember a few weeks ago, when the world seemed normal? For us here in San Francisco, March came in like a lamb and like a lion. Usually, it’s the other way around. Suddenly, everyone was afraid. We’re keeping that six-foot distance, and following all the recommendations. And we’re staying at home. If you, like us, are keen on making your home a place you love instead of just tolerate, stick around. Here are some ideas.
Organize That Spot You’ve Never Organized
It doesn’t have to be your sock drawer, but surely there’s a place that you’ve always been meaning to organize and you haven’t. Be ruthless in getting rid of those things you no longer use or love. As Marie Kondo says, it should “spark joy.” After that first pass, you’ll just have the things left that you really enjoy.

Create An Altar
For some people, an altar is a spiritual spot, filled with religious items. Your altar could be filled with photos, trip souveneirs, and all the things that lift your spirits. Maybe a candle and a beautiful piece of fabric could go there. You could add a letter or card from your friends or family.
Does Your Home Suit You?
Now that you have some extra time, look around at your home. Does it really fit your lifestyle? Do you have old gear that is broken or doesn’t suit your lifestyle any more? Why not give it away to someone who’ll enjoy it. Not the broken stuff, of course, but the things that don’t work for you any more. Someone else might really enjoy it!

What About the Colors and Textures?
If you don’t love the colors and textures you see around you every day, why not change them? Painting is an excellent and easy way to change the mood. You might also think about adding textures to walls, or moving furniture around. Although it’s a difficult time right now, we can always take advantage of the time we have at home to make it into our own private oasis. Feeling safe and cozy in our homes goes a long way toward creating a sanctuary.
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