This Is What Happens When You Get Enough Sleep
We hope that everyone is safe and healthy during this holiday season. Besides protecting your family with window film, remember to get enough sleep, too! And here are some reasons why sleep is so crucial to your health.
How Much Is Enough Sleep?
We’ve all been hearing about the benefits of sleep lately, but do you know how much sleep is enough? For too long we’ve been hearing sentiments like “you can sleep when you’re dead,” especially coming from the start-up community. This attitude is really prevalent in the San Francisco Bay Area. People parade their sleep-deprived selves around, proud to survive on very little sleep. In fact, we should really be doing the exact opposite. What if we gave awards to people who could sleep the longest instead? The Sleep Foundation says that most people require seven-nine hours of sleep.
What happens when you get enough sleep?
You Remember More
Your member actually improves when you get enough sleep. If you’re a student or even if you’re not, recalling newly learned information is greatly enhanced by sleeping enough, according to an article by Science Daily. This has to do with sleep spindles, which can be seen and measured with an electroencephalogram (EEG).
Stave Off Obesity
People who are overweight typically do not get enough sleep. This may seem counter-intuitive, but it’s true. Partly that’s because when you don’t sleep enough, you crave comfort foods, and those comfort foods are typically fattier and unhealthier. Also, hormones that control appetite are thrown out of balance when you don’t sleep enough and cause increased appetite.
Live Longer
According to Matthew Walker, Ph.D., author of Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams, “Every major system, tissue, and organ of your body suffers when sleep becomes short.” In his book, he writes about a 2011 study that tracked over 500,000 men and women across eight different countries. Shorter sleep was associated with a much greater risk of developing or dying from coronary heart disease. This one study alone should be convincing enough to make us all get some extra shuteye!
Have Less Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease
Did you know that getting enough sleep can help prevent both cancer and Alzheimer’s? Luckily, the cure for both is cheap, noninvasive, and available to everyone regardless of their background. Why wait for a diagnosis of either cancer or Alzheimer’s, though?
A Friendly Reminder
Why not sleep a little extra? Right now, as I write these words, it’s late November, and the nights are longer. This is a perfect time to indulge and sleep in a little.
And If You Need Window Film…
If you need anything, from Daylight Redirecting Window Film to give you more sunlight at home or work, to Thinsulate, give us a call. We’re always happy to talk!
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