You’ve heard it again and again: stay out of the sun during peak hours (10-4:00 pm), use sunscreen, and wear a big hat! But what else can you do to put your health back in your hands? Read on to see!
First Tip: Get Window Film!
During the hottest months in particular, Window film is like sunscreen for your house, car, or office. You might not always remember to use sunscreen, and with window film you won’t have to! So for heaven’s sake, use window film. Like brushing your teeth, window film is an investment in your future self’s health. And your future self will thank you!
Window film is good for your car, as well as your home, or business. So if you spend a lot of time in any one of these places, start with window film there.
Second Tip: Monthly Self-Exam
According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, doing a monthly self-exam helps to catch early stages of skin cancer. Examine your nose, ears, and places that get lots of sun in particular. Check behind your knees, your back, and your face. If you can’t see all those places yourself with mirrors, have an “exam buddy” help you out!
Step-by-Step Skin Cancer Exam from the Skin Cancer Foundation
You could also have your general practitioner give you a look over. A dermatologist will probably give you the most thorough exam. If you have skin cancer in your family, you might want to do a self-exam and have a doctor examine you as well!

Third Tip: Protect Your Left Side
Anyone who drives is more prone to getting sun exposure from the left side (unless you drive on the other side of the road!). Keep a hat, wraparound sunglasses and sunscreen in your car, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. You’ve heard of tennis elbow, but what about driver’s face? Remember the truck driver with damage to one side of his face? That’s what the sun’s UVA rays can do coming through your car’s windows. Those bad rays can also penetrate clouds, in case you were thinking of rolling down your windows on a cloudy day!
In the summertime, you might be more likely to roll down your windows or ride on a motorcycle, or have the top down on a convertible. In that case, all of your sides need to be protected–not just your left side.

Fourth Tip: Take Extra Precautions if You Play Golf
That’s right: golfers have more exposure to the sun than athletes who play other sports. But you can choose earlier or later tee times, and of course wear a hat, sunglasses, and a thick layer of sunscreen. If your skin is lighter, be extra careful, although anyone can suffer from skin damage. There are now specialty sun screens just for golfers, hats with extra air flow, and fabrics that have SPF protection built in. See the video on the PGA Show’s link for specifics.
Fifth Tip: Ask An Expert
Who would know how to stay cool better than Bigfoot? After all, he’s covered with fur, which he doesn’t shave even when it’s scalding hot. And if you try to mention global warming, he’s likely to throw a half-empty beer can at you!! Oh, you could also ask someone at 3M, since it’s the 50th Anniversary of Window Film.
Sixth Tip: Call Us for the Best Window Film!
We’re in the San Francisco South Bay, but travel throughout the Bay Area, up and down the peninsula, Campbell, Saratoga, Palo Alto, and San Mateo. As well as Sunnyvale, Brisbane, and the places in between!
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