Think you know window film? Think again! The technology has been moving forward rapidly, with so many new uses and designs. You’d be amazed at the ways that window film has grown up over the years. Here are just a few of its uses!

Create Privacy in a Crowded Space
Do you share a tiny office space with a few people? You can shield yourself from others with a glass conference room wall covered with window film. Or you can cover part of the wall to cloak the people, and let the light shine through without anyone feeling exposed. Or if you have kids and you want to shield them from prying eyes, you could use window film as this DIY Curtain Alternatives article proposes. (Although we do recommend using a professional installer for window film.)

Shower in Peace
Now that there are kids running in and out of your bathroom, wouldn’t you like to shower in peace? While they brush their teeth, you can relax in the steam behind some beautiful glass covered in window film. Isn’t that better than trying to grab a towel?

Add An Outdoor Design Element
We simply love the outdoor install we did recently in Marin County, above. Here, window film covers a wall and becomes a design element in the landscape. It also provides privacy.

Add a Rice Paper Look in Glass
A hanging glass window covered with a 3M™ FASARA™ Glass Finish in Altair gives a rice paper effect that can separate diners in an elegant, upscale restaurant. Create a wall without resorting to building something that blocks light and air flow. For more about 3M™ Fasara™ Glass Finishes, see our recent series:
- 3M Fasara Decorative Window Film: Dotty for Dots
- 3M Fasara Decorative Window Film: Stripes Forever
- 3M Fasara Decorative Window Film: Patterns

Don’t Give ’em Something to Talk About
Keep nosy neighbors at bay with half windows covered in window film. Or cover the full window with window film. Either way, you keep your corporate secrets a secret. Even if you’re just watching TV, do you want everyone knowing what you’re watching?
Let Us Know What You Need to Know!
Would you like to help us decide what kind of window film would be best for your home or business? Give us a call! We’d love to talk to you!
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