We knew there would be ornaments. We knew there would be a tree. What we didn’t know was how the tree would turn out! It was so much better than anyone imagined!

Oh, Christmas tree! Oh, Christmas tree!
You’ve got to imagine some really bad karaoke Christmas music here because it’s obligatory, right? Not all Christmas music can be like the Charlie Brown Christmas Special music. Anyway, you can see Donna next to the tree, in this version. Yes, we had RAWR elements under the tree, in the ribbons, and with the decorations, too (RAWR meaning tiger striped)!

Last year, they said the trees were “too girly”
Some of the guys like to complain. Their complaint was about the Christmas trees being pink, if you can believe that! We loved the tone-on-tone Christmas look–it was so fun and festive! And so unlike anyone else’s tree, too! But they complained–and we listened. So this year the tree was a little different!

So we fixed the tree!
This year, because the guys helped decorate the tree, it was black (like their cold, cold hearts lol)! And we decorated it with plenty of RAWR. And also, if you look closely, you might see something else! Yes, that’s right–beer! We also had plenty of volunteers to help “decorate the tree” AKA drink the beer so we had enough “decorations.” Phew. That’s a lot of quotation marks!

The goodies
There were lots and lots of goodies. Here are just a few of them, above. And of course, we had RAWR plates, napkins, and a tablecloth! The chicken wings were fab, but somehow we didn’t get a picture of those because they were gobbled up! And also the salads–delish!!!

Happy Holidays to all and to all a Good RAWR night!!!
Maybe one of the only traditional things was our cake. That, and our best wishes for everyone for this holiday season!!! Have a beautiful, festive, and fun holiday, everyone!
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