Recently, the Window Works staff attended the Southern California Facilities Expo, at the Anaheim Convention Center. From the SCFE website, “The Facilities Expo provides FREE valuable learning and networking opportunities in a unique format serving the southern California region. Bringing together the facilities engineering, MRO and green building communities, Southern California Facilities Expo attracts a diverse audience of facilities managers, maintenance managers, and energy managers from a wide variety of industries including food processing, government, healthcare, manufacturing, education, wineries, utilities and others.”
Here are some images and highlights from our time at the facilities expo! By the way, we’ve written about other facilities expo’s before. See some of the other highlights here:

Seeing friends
We tend to run into some of the same people at facilities conferences, whether we’re in South California, Northern California, or Modesto (Central California). Above, our fearless leader Asia meets with friend Kashmir Uppal, from Atlas Copco Compressors, LLC. Kashmir Uppal is San Francisco Bay Area · CTS Regional Sales Manager for Atlas Copco, in case you were wondering. Meeting long-lost friends is probably our favorite part of the Expo.

Seeing even more friends
We love reconnecting with friends! Don’t you? Here we are with some of our bestest buds, above. That’s Nick MacArthur, brother John MacArthur, and Bobby Slingsby from Graffiti Shield. Since Graffiti Shield is in Anaheim they didn’t have far to travel. And that beer certainly can’t hurt (more on the beer in a minute). Also pictured: Asia and Donna from Window Works!

The Giveaways and Swag!
Look at that cute little promo truck from 1-800-GOT-JUNK, above! McKendry and Affinity also did some top-notch branding with their giveaways. We love having all these reminders of our time at the Expo! They’ll have a special home in our office.

The Happy Hour
The Happy Hour, co-sponsored with Atlas Copco Compressors, LLC, was one of our favorite parts of the Expo! Yes! We had happy hour in our booth which meant we didn’t have to drive home, since we were already there! You know what we mean. But actually we were happy for more than just the Happy Hour–we’re super happy and friendly all the time.

Making new connections
Of course, making new friends is super easy when the reception is in your booth! You can see just a few of our new friends in the photo above.
Did we forget anything?
If you were there and we forgot something, or even if you just want to chat, give us a call! Window Works customer care is at 415.650.5200. Pick up your phone and enter our number! We really are very friendly, and we’ll answer your questions.
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