Using window film in your interior design may not be something that you have considered. Or maybe you’ve considered it, but only as a passing fancy. I’m here to tell you that using window film in your interior design can protect your health, add beauty, and make the temperature more stable, as well as adding privacy. And did you know that window film can help you combat climate change as well? Here’s our previous article about Window Film and Global Warming that you might like.
Protect Your Skin
There are so many ways that window film protects your health, but this month is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. The UV rays that enter your home through your windows can cause skin cancer. Although many people feel safe at home or work, they don’t realize that UV rays are damaging their skin. Not only that, but your eyes will thank you later since those UV rays can also damage your eyes. And the most vulnerable members of the family deserve to get through their childhood without worrying about excessive damage to their skin, too. If you’d like to know more about prevention, take a look at the Skin Cancer Foundation.
Add Beauty
You might be surprised that there are so many beautiful types of window film. If you have a window that looks out at an ugly view, you can change that view with window film. People love to spend time in a room or building that they enjoy. Your family and coworkers will be happier in a more beautiful environment. Here are a few previous articles about window film you might like:
- 3M Fasara Decorative Window Film: Stripes Forever
- 3M Fasara Decorative Window Film: Patterns
- 3M Fasara Decorative Window Film: Dotty for Dots
Create More Stable Temperatures
Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, we’ve had more rain this year, with more unstable temperatures. Even as I write these words, we’re getting a big storm, and that’s very unusual for May. What about where you are? Has your climate changed and how does that affect your life? We always have to dress in layers here because we never know what the weather will be like. It’s cold one day, hot the next.
Add Privacy
Of course, adding privacy is the first thing most of us think of when we consider window film. You may be more familiar with window film in the automotive arena. But window film in commercial and residential settings is growing. For those with smaller homes and offices, window film is a quick and easy way to add privacy. Check out the 3M website for how you might use window film for privacy as well as decoration.
Give Us a Call!
We’d love to discuss any kind of window film with you. We’re all over the San Francisco Bay Area, from the South Bay to San Francisco to Marin to the East Bay. And we’re happy to chat with you and kick around a few ideas!
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