Recently, walking along the beach, I noticed a lot of balconies and patios surrounded by partial glass enclosures. Maybe people don’t realize that they could use window film to block the view people have into their patios or balconies? It seems like such a simple and elegant solution. After all, do you really want a bunch of strangers peering into your home while you’re having a barbeque?
Patio privacy on second floor balconies
If your patio set up is on a second floor balcony, using some window film to block the view can give you an extraordinary amount of privacy. Imagine the glass on the balcony above with window film. Not only would the view into your home be less cluttered, more importantly, you would not be so visible from outside. Here, as in many parts of the Bay Area, people can walk right up to the house and look into the windows. In many homes, there are no curtains or anything to keep prying eyes from looking inside and seeing everything you own. We’ve talked about privacy before: What Are the Best Window FIlms for Privacy?
Heavily trafficked areas
With all parts of the San Francisco Bay Area growing, there’s more and more reasons to look for ways to secure more privacy. You can hide your valuables, protect your family by making them less accessible to the eyes of strangers, and simply be less visible. After all, don’t you want to be free to say what you want and wear what you want while you’re relaxing at home? Do you really want a messy patio visible to the entire world?

Less goldfish bowl
We’re all visible more and more via social media. Everyone has a camera built into their cell phones now. And you’re likely to appear in many places, even if you don’t want to be featured in a video. People hardly even bother to ask any more if you want your picture taken, do they? While you might not want a completely curated existence, having more privacy allows you to control who sees what.

Don’t be a statistic
You might have seen the Google car driving around taking pictures of everything. If you live in the Bay Area, chances are you have! Your home and everything in it is on display for all the world to see. But you can exercise a little bit of control with window film. Nobody needs to see what you ate for breakfast or what you’re watching on your laptop while you’re on your own balcony. You probably also want to protect your kids from prying eyes.
It gets even easier!
If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area, we can offer suggestions. We work throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, from San Jose to the East Bay to the Peninsula and Marin! Call Window Works customer care at 415.650.5200 for pricing and more information. We’re very friendly!
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