You’ve heard about the usual New Year’s resolutions, all the ones you write down and promptly forget. But what about creating some New Year’s resolutions which are easy to keep and require very little work from you? What about those resolutions? Here are a bunch of reasons you ought to include window film installation in your list of resolutions. Not that we’re telling you what to do. But stick around and maybe we’ll convince you!
New Year’s resolutions should be easy
Seriously, when was the last time you had an easy resolution? Are you really going to lose weight in January, a time when every cell in your body is screaming at you to eat all the cupcakes and binge-watch Netflix? NO! And are you going to battle the gym right now, what with the new Covid restrictions? Are you going to triple-mask so you’ll feel safe? NO! But guess what? (If you were here, you’d say “What?!”) Window film installation is super easy!
New Year’s resolutions should improve your health
You might already know that window film reduces UV rays coming through your windows. And that those same UV rays are what cause skin cancer. If not, you’re hearing it here first. Window film can improve your health! It’s like having sunglasses on your house or office! But don’t take our word for it–check out the Skin Cancer Foundation’s excellent article Not All UV Rays Stay Outside: How Window Film Can Help Protect You.

New Year’s resolutions should lower your heating and A/C bill
With Thinsulate window film, your temperatures will even out. That is, your place will be cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. So your heating and cooling bills will be lower. And doesn’t everyone want lower power bills? By the way, we’ve written about Thinsulate before because we love it so much! Why Use 3M Thinsulate Window Film: Five Good Reasons You Need to Know.
New Year’s Resolutions should make your home or office look better
Did you know that window films have improved a lot over the past years? There are many decorative window films that can add to the easy glamor of your place, with gorgeous designs that will make you the envy of your neighborhood. Take a look at some of our decorative window films here: Decorating with Window Film. 3M Fasara window film comes in a variety of designs. There are patterns, dots, and stripes.
So easy a kid could do it!
If your kid can pick up the phone and find us, and you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area, you could be done with your New Year’s resolutions! That’s not to say you should make your kid call us! All we’re saying is it’s that easy. We work throughout the San Francisco Bay Area, from San Jose to the East Bay to the Peninsula and Marin! Call Window Works customer care at 415.650.5200 for pricing and more information. We’re very friendly!
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