Global Warming Isn’t Just about Warming
The planet is getting warmer, yes, but sometimes we get cold spells as a result of global warming. Window film is one way to alleviate the effects of global warming. This article has some ideas for using window film to help with global warming. And of course, we should all work to reverse global warming in any way we can. You might be surprised at some of the ways you can help reverse global warming, such as high-tech refrigeration. Check out Project Drawdown: 100 solutions to reverse global warming.
Window Film Helps Even out Temperatures
Hot one day, cold the next day? We don’t see quite so many ups and downs in temperatures in the San Francisco Bay Area, but we’re still seeing more variation than usual. You might not see the connection between window film and global warming, but in terms of comfort, installing window film is a way for you to feel more comfortable in your own home or office. If you’d rather skip to the chase about window film, you might like The Valuable Ways Window Film Can Change Your Life.

Window Film Protects Your Eyes and Skin
What does your skin have to do with window film and global warming, you may ask. The ozone layer, which protects us from some of the sun’s bad UV rays, is thinning. Window film helps to protect your skin, and your family’s skin, too. In fact, The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends window film to protect against UV rays that damage your skin. And in case you missed it, here’s our article on Five Quick and Easy Ways to Protect Your Eyes from Skin Damage.
Save Money on Heating and Cooling Bills
Using window film for global warming can save you money, but what else? When you use less energy to heat and cool your home or office, not only do you save money, but you’re using less fossil fuel. That is if you’re using fossil fuel to heat and cool your home. In any case, most people love saving money. And to us, that’s a win-win on your window film!
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