You’ve seen some incredible ways that people have reduced theft in their foyers, but maybe not with window film! Did you realize that if a thief can’t see something to steal that they might not bother breaking and entering? It’s true that many thefts are crimes of opportunity–so why not reduce the opportunity? Your packages, or those of your neighbors and tenants, will be much safer. And your foyer will look even more beautiful. Take a look at the foyer above, in a San Francisco building.
Is it Love–or is it 3M Fasara Matte Crystal?
Thieves love to get their hands on your packages, and we love to get our hands on your windows without window film! Transform those foyer windows with window film as we have done here. You’ll love the results, even though thieves won’t. And take a look at how the scrollwork really stands out with this window film! By the way, you might like this article: Anti-Graffiti Film Can Protect and Preserve Your Windows.

Is Your Entry Way Too Easy to Access?
We travel around San Francisco a lot. So we see all kinds of entries. Putting up window film is a simple way to deter theft. In case you didn’t know, some people leave a gap at the top of the window film for light to enter. Some places in San Francisco can be very dark, so this allows light to enter while preventing theft. And we think you’ll agree that the results still look stunning!
Window Film Works with All Kinds of Decor
Since many window films are plain, they can work with all kinds of decor and all paint colors. Yes, it’s possible to have window films that provide texture, but we love the plain window film so that your decor can really shine! Whether you have a blue door with gold trim or a brown door with red trim, we’ve got you covered.
Window Film Guards Your Privacy, Controls the Light
With many window films, you can control how much light passes through the glass. For instance, you might be able to see a person on the other side of the glass, but not be able to tell who it is. This particular finish, above, is mat, but there are also glossy and frosted finishes. For more information on finishes, see 3M’s website.

Commercial or Residential?
As you can see, we install both commercial and residential window film foyers. If you’re having trouble deciding what kind of window film you need, please give us a call! We work all over the greater San Francisco Bay Area! Here’s our customer care number for your convenience: 415.650.5200.
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